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How To Customize Boxing Gloves: Write, Embroider & Paint 

Customized gloves give a unique sight

There are several ways in which you can customize your boxing gloves. Some commonly used methods include painting, tattooing, embroidering, and printing. These will help your boxing gloves stand out and give them their unique identity.

It’s always fun to customize your equipment. Whether it’s as simple as adding your signature or doing complex designs. Many boxers ask me how they can customize their boxing gloves, which is my primary purpose for writing this article.

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4 Ways to Customize Boxing Gloves

Your boxing gloves can seem more attractive and distinctive because of their customization than any other set of traditional gloves. Boxing gloves may typically be customized in three different places, including the wrist, lower back, and the rear of the gloves. For all areas, the customization procedure will be the same. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which you can customize your boxing gloves.


Painted boxing gloves

Painting is an excellent way to customize your gloves. You will need to sandpaper the spot you want painted, paint it and then seal the paint with clear sealant. That said, painting gloves can decrease how well the gloves protect you while boxing.  

Below are the steps to painting boxing gloves:

  1. Use a paper towel to clean your boxing gloves, and ensure they are dry.
  2. Use sandpaper on the surface of your gloves that you want to paint on and wipe them one more time with the paper towel.
  3. Using a primer before painting your gloves is essential, as it will protect your gloves from tearing and peeling. Let the primer dry before starting your paint job.
  4. Begin painting your gloves. You can paint the whole glove or just one part of the glove. Make sure to use masking tape on the part of the glove that you do not wish to paint on. Paint the gloves with your choice of color and design.
  5. Let the first coat of paint dry completely before applying the next 2 to 3 coats of paint. Be sure to let one coat dry off completely before you start applying another coat.
  6. Apply the last layer of lacquer after you are done painting and the paint is completely dry. You could also use any clear sealant to seal the paint. Additionally, use non-toxic paint, but be careful not to get any on your skin, as it can be poisonous. Also, be careful not to use too much paint because it will make your gloves heavy and reduce your punching strength.


Boxing Gloves with embroidering.

Embroidering your leather gloves is possible yet difficult. Although it makes your gloves look more stylish and beautiful, you can ruin them if you use a thread that is not meant to be used on boxing gloves.

For embroidering your boxing glove, you have to make sure you have the correct thread and needle. Using the right needle and thread will prevent you from destroying your gloves. If you see a needle or thread not for embroidering the boxing gloves, you will end up ruining your expensive boxing gloves.

Make sure you do not do a lot of embroidering, as it may make the glove heavy and affect its function and your punching strength. To embroider your boxing gloves, draw the design you wish to put on your gloves with a pencil. You will need to use a thread that is not too heavy. 

Always experiment on a small area of your glove to ensure the embroidery stays in place after you use it. Embroidering your boxing gloves will make them look more different and fancier than traditional gloves.


Printing on boxing gloves

Printing on boxing gloves doesn’t differ from customizing sneakers. Anyone who enjoys boxing will be happy to have specially made boxing gloves that fit their needs. The leather of your gloves can be imprinted with patterns, writing, and other designs.

Use a leather surface cleaner to clean and remove any paint coating from the glove’s leather. This will prevent the paint from peeling and chipping. Use leather-safe paints for painting. Use masking tape to cover the glove that you do not wish to print on. This will stop paint from smearing in undesirable places and make it simple for you to print the required area of your boxing glove.

Use an airbrush to begin painting. Each color should receive two or three coats. Before adding another layer of paint, be sure the previous one has fully dried. The design you want to print on your gloves can be effortlessly transferred using your customized stencil.

With a sharp knife, cut out the stencil and position it where you want to design it. Apply a final coat of protective gloss once you have finished painting. This will serve as a barrier to prevent minor scratches on the gloves. Additionally, the print will last longer.


Tattooing your gloves is questionable, yet it can be a unique design on your gloves. It is important to ensure you get your boxing gloves tattooed by a professional tattoo artist. Otherwise, you may end up destroying your gloves. 

Tattooing your boxing gloves is a unique way of distinguishing your gloves from other traditional gloves. Most people do not opt to tattoo their gloves; they either paint or print on them. This is a very different way to make your gloves look how you like. You will need ink or paint that is safe for your boxing gloves. Make sure to try it on a small area of the glove to see if it’s safe for the gloves or not.

Take your gloves to your tattoo artist and ask them to use paint or ink that is safe for your gloves. Use a pencil to draw the design you want before you start tattooing. If you wish to tattoo your gloves yourself, make sure not to nick the glove anywhere you did not intend, as this can ruin the design and the glove. 

Tattooing your gloves is a beautiful way of customizing your gloves. Even though you must be very careful with the process, the end result will be worth it.

Can You Write on Boxing Gloves?

Write whatever you want on your gloves

It is possible to write on your boxing gloves. Writing on your gloves makes them unique from all other gloves. It is a perfect way of customizing your gloves and making them distinguishable from other boxers’ gloves. 

You can write your name, a quote, or anything you like on your gloves. Some people write their names to make gloves recognizable, and others mark their gloves with a symbol. The best way to write on gloves is with a permanent marker like a Sharpie. 

You can write your name or any type of writing on your gloves. You just have to make sure to write on your gloves first, with a pencil, so you do not end up ruining your gloves, as you will not be able to remove a permanent marker from your gloves. 

Can You Embroider Boxing Gloves?

You can embroider your boxing gloves. Even though it is not safe to do so, embroidery makes your boxing gloves unique from other traditional boxing gloves. You can embroider your name, or any symbol you wish, on your boxing gloves.

Embroidery is a unique way of customizing your gloves, but it’s not done by many boxers. You must make sure to use a safe thread and needle for your gloves, as using the wrong things can ruin or tear your boxing gloves. 

Before starting the embroidery, you will need to use a pencil to draw your design on the gloves. Make sure not to use a lot of thread on your gloves as it may make them heavy, making it difficult for you to box.

Can You Paint Boxing Gloves?

Boxing gloves made of leather can be painted. You have to be careful, though. You can destroy your boxing gloves if you use paint that is not meant to be used on leather gloves. 

Use acrylic paint made specifically for leather and test it on a small portion of the glove first to ensure that it won’t harm the glove in any way. One choice for painting your gloves is acrylic paint, which may be used by brushing it on or spray painting. 

You can also choose to use latex paint, which comes in several colors. Boxing gloves can be painted with latex paint because it is both flexible and long-lasting. 

Read Also: 8 Steps To Clean Boxing Gloves Inside; Out: Rid The Smell!

How Do You Paint Boxing Gloves?

Use acrylic paints to color the gloves

It is very easy and common to paint on your boxing gloves. People do this to make the boxing gloves appear unique and distinguishable from other boxing gloves. You can paint your name, or any symbol or design, on your boxing gloves.

Painting on your boxing gloves is easy. You have to make sure to use acrylic paints that are safe for your gloves and will not end up ruining them. Use a pencil to draw what you want to paint before you start. Use a primer on your gloves and apply 2 to 3 coats of paint. Make sure to let each coat dry completely. 

After painting, leave your gloves to dry for at least one to two days. Make sure not to paint large symbols, as paint can make your boxing gloves heavy and affect your punching strength. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Do You Write Your Name on a Boxing Glove?

You can use a permanent marker to write on your gloves. You can also use paint, embroidery, or tattooing to write on your gloves, as long as you make sure to take proper precautions as you can end up ruining your gloves and affecting their function.

Q: Why Do Boxers Sign Their Gloves?

Boxers primarily sign their gloves to make them recognizable from other gloves. Writing your name on the gloves ensures no one will swap your gloves with someone else’s boxing gloves.


I hope this article helped you understand some of the ways in which you can customize your boxing gloves. Customizing your boxing gloves can be extremely fun and rewarding, especially if done correctly. They will make your gloves stand out and also help give you a unique identity..

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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