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Disqualification, losing the boxing license, fine, jail time, and getting banned for life are a few of the most prominent consequences of hitting the ref in UFC & Boxing. In simpler words, striking a referee can end your career in a blink of an eye.

Guess why? The authority of a referee is absolute, and unintentional or intentional hitting can bring you to all these conclusions. It’s not easy to get away with such acts. Hitting the referee is considered one of the most serious breaches of rules in UFC & Boxing. 

I’ve done a lot of research on this topic, and every case is different from the others. Back in 2000, the famous Mike Tyson gave British referee John Coyle a powerful hook which was clearly unintentional.

Furious Tyson was aiming to hit his opponent with full force but ended up hitting the ref as he was trying to stop the fight. He was awarded a TKO victory and no serious penalties were imposed. However, things are not that clean all the time. 

In a match between Vido Loncar of Croatia and Algirdas Baniulis of Lithuania in the European Youth Boxing Championship of 2014, Loncar knocked the referee and landed punches on him after losing the match. The International Boxing Association banned not only Loncar but also his coaches for life. 

In this article, we will be going to explore the cases when referees became part of the brawl and also get to know the referees a bit more in detail. Let’s see if the consequences of hitting a referee are different in several formats of fighting. 

When you hit a ref, the consequences can range from nothing to disqualification, jail time, ban, and much more. The penalties can vary for hitting a ref in different formats of fighting sports. Here’s what can happen if you hit a ref in these formats; 


In MMA, If it was a deliberate attack on the ref, the fighter will be disqualified and in worse situations, the fighter can get banned for life. In an MMA fight, the most common situation when a referee is hit is when the ref is calling for a break or stop, as he comes in close to the fighters. If it was a mild hit to the ref that happened accidentally, the ref will warn the fighter. 


If you hit a ref in boxing, immediate loss of the game can be declared and in worse cases, the International Boxing Federation (IBA) can ban you too from taking part in the sport ever again. The boxers can be charged with assault and the case can later go to the judges. 

Muay Thai 

Any disrespect to the referee is unacceptable in Muay Thai. There are very few cases when the fighters have lashed at refs. In the case of Dakui and Super X. Dakui won the game despite knocking out the ref as well as his opponent. No serious charges were made against him. Such cases are inevitable. 


Wrestling has severe rules when it comes to putting the hand of the referee. Wrestlers can face instant disqualification if they hit a ref during a match. They can also be subjected to heavy fines if a referee is hit by a wrestler intentionally. 

Also Read: 8 Illegal Boxing Punches & The Reasons Why (Ft. Rabbit Punch)

Has a Ref Ever Been Hit (Or Knocked Out)?

There have been several cases when referees have been hit or knocked out. Here are the situations where referees have been hit in each sport; 


A prominent attack in the history of MMA was made by Gilbert Yvel who is known to be one of the most-dirtiest fighters in the world of UFC.

In a fight against Atte Backman at Fight Festival 12, Yvel gave the referee a left hook and knocked him down. He also kicked the referee on the ground. For this unacceptable action, Yvel was disqualified, this was 3rd disqualification in six years. 



During a fight between lago Kiladze and Viktor Faust, the referee was punched by Kiladze. The epic war was going on between Kiladze and Faust, and Kiladze looked off-balance, the ref stepped in to stop the fight but Kiladze landed a severe punch on his face, and the viewers became furious about his act and started ranting on the fighter.

Fans became outrageous and strongly opposed the action. The commentators were also stunned by the brutal act of Kiladze. 


Muay Thai

In a Max Muay Thai fight happening between Gou Dakui and Super X Sitsontidech, the ref was kicked brutally by one of the fighters. Dakui was on the brink of eliminating his opponent but the ref was close to Super X, due to which not only Super X, but also the ref got knocked out.

It was one of the rarest moments in the history of the game when both the fighter and ref got knocked out at the same time. The commentators were shunned as they said it was the first time in 30 years of their career that they saw this kind of situation.  



At a World Class Pro Wrestling event in Texas, the wrestler Devon Nicholson stabbed the referee in the head with an iron spike. It was one of the most brutal attacks on a ref.

The other wrestler pushed him away to save the ref but doctors were called immediately for medical assistance. The ref was rushed to the hospital where he got several sutures on his head.  

Are Martial Art Refs Trained Fighters?

The majority of the martial art refs are trained fighters or previous fighters themselves. Many of them have had their own glorious careers, and choose to become referees later.

For big fights, experience martial art refs are brought to the ring. Stepping into a ring with deadly fighters isn’t a facile task. You need to be well-prepared for all the consequences. 

Stopping or breaking up fights needs a lot of practice and technique. Only trained fighters know the best way to do it. A ref is a fighter who knows how to protect the fighters.

The refs with a previous career as a fighter can make a better decision about when to stop the game. Discipline is very important in every game, and a ref is always there to maintain and secure the rules of the game. 

Can a Referee Fight Back?

Fighter is allowed to hit the ref and no ref is allowed to harm the fighter. However, in cases where a fighter hits a ref, sometimes the ref loses their cool and fights back. As most referees are trained fighters, they have the capability to fight back.

Names such as Big John McCarthy, Dan Miragliotta, and Leon Roberts have been into some of the biggest fights in the history of UFC.

Big John is not only a Los Angeles PD officer but also a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and that is why everyone thinks twice before messing around with him.

Refs with such a remarkable background can surely fight back if they get indulged in a fight. Some of the fighters often feel scared when they are in the ring. Not every ref takes a blow and stays down. 

Do Boxers Get Paid if They Get Disqualified?

Both the winner and loser of the game are paid. However, there can be a deduction in the pay due to disqualification. Contract fighters usually go for more promotional and media appearances. As each fighter negotiates the amount they will be paying for the bout.

Sponsors, favors, and previous experiences play a pivotal role in determining the payment amount. As the winner attains several bonuses, the loser gets his purse for the fight.  


Q: How Much Do UFC Referees Make?

A referee with good experience in the ring gets about $1,000 to $2,500 per match, and around $5,000 to $10,000 per pay-per-view, depending on the professionalism of the ref. Some refs are also paid as less as $250 too.

However, a female ref gets $1,000 per match and $3, 500 per pay-per-view. The yearly earnings of a male professional ref range from $250,000 to $350,000 per year and female professional ref make about $60,000 yearly from UFC. 


Q: Do UFC Refs Get Paid per Fight?

Entry-level MMA refs are given about $250 per fight, but professional refs can earn $2,500 per match. The expertise level is one of the major reasons for the differences in pay. A female ref is paid $1,000 to $1,500 per fight. 


Q: Why Do Mma Refs Wear Gloves?

Wearing gloves comes under the basic rules of hygiene and sanitation as guided by the association. The rules are in place to tackle the risk of harmful diseases. Splashed blood is a part of intense fights in the ring, and it can put a major health risk to the ref.

Gloves protect the ref from contaminated blood entering his body through any means. The ref can be saved from diseases such as AIDs, hepatitis, and any other life-threatening disease.  

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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