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Boxing is a great way to get in shape and stay that way. It is an intense workout that anyone can do, regardless of fitness level. Boxing is a great aerobic exercise as it gets your heart pumping and reduces the risk of blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

I often get asked whether a person should substitute boxing for their regular workout. In this article, I will take a deep look at whether you can use boxing as a full-body workout.

Boxing is one of the best exercises for shaping and toning your entire body, especially the waistline. It is a full-body workout that can help you lose belly fat. The high-intensity aerobic exercise will help to burn calories and increase your metabolism.  

Boxing is a highly effective fat burner and a powerful calorie burner. Due to its high intensity, a boxing workout is highly effective at burning visceral fat, or the fat that is typically found around the waist.

Additionally, the punching and kicking action will work your muscles in all directions, which will help to strengthen them and reduce cellulite. 

Boxing vs. Running as Workout: Which Is Better?

Boxing is an intense cardiovascular workout that can help to increase your endurance and overall fitness level. Running can help improve your stamina and overall cardio fitness, but it may not be as intense as boxing. 

Ultimately, it depends on what you are looking for in a workout. If you want intense cardiovascular exercise, boxing may be better than running. Running may be better if you wish to improve your stamina and cardio fitness.

Boxing is generally a better workout than running because:

  1. It’s More Interactive: The punching bag is a more engaging workout than running if you’re looking for one. You can use a punching bag to combine multiple combos, footwork, and dodges for a fun and engaging workout.
  2. More Intense: Running is a more physical exercise than punching a bag because it is much heavier and takes more effort to swing. Moving a punching bag requires a lot of physical exertion, which results in a stronger, more toned body. 
  3. Workout Periods Are Shorter: Due to their shorter duration than regular jogging exercises, punching bag workouts are simpler to integrate into your schedule. A full-body workout takes less time to complete with a punching bag. You can burn the same number of calories every session by training with a punching bag as you can by running, but more quickly.


Running is a better workout because:

  1. Lesser Equipment Is Needed: Running is more cost-effective than punching bags if you want to exercise. You merely need a pair of sneakers to go on to the track or the city streets.
  2. Less Prone to Injury: Running is not an injury-prone exercise as long as you warm up properly and don’t fall down.
  3. Doesn’t Need a Gym: You do not need a gym for running. You can run on the street. It can be nice to run on a treadmill, but it may get boring quickly. To keep going, you’ll need to be very committed. Also, you can run alone, without any companions.
  4. More Calories Are Burned: Running is a better workout than a punching bag if you need to burn many calories. Running has been shown to burn more calories than routine punching bag workouts.

Also Read: 9 Benefits Of Punching Bag As A Workout (Vs Running)

Can You Build Muscle With Boxing?

Boxing is excellent for burning calories and losing weight, but not good at building muscle. However, there are ways to make muscles with boxing by using specific techniques and incorporating weights. 

You can use shadow boxing as a full-body workout if you want to work on your upper body. 30 minutes of boxing is generally enough time to get a good workout, but if you want to maximize the benefits, you should add additional rounds or reps.

With boxing, you may be able to tone your arms and make your biceps, triceps, and shoulders more visible, but don’t expect muscle gains like with weight lifting.

Benefits of Boxing as a Workout

1. Boxing Improves Cardiovascular Fitness

Boxing is a great cardiovascular workout. It can help improve your endurance and cardiorespiratory fitness. The punches that you throw and the way that you move while boxing also help to improve your balance and coordination.

2. Boxing Can Help You Lose Weight

Boxing is a great way to lose weight and tone your body. It is an intense workout that will help you burn calories and tone your muscles. Not only will it help you lose weight, but boxing can also improve your cardiovascular health and increase your resistance to injury.

3. Boxing Can Help You Tone Your Body

Boxing is a great workout that can help tone your body. It’s an intense exercise that can help you lose weight and build muscle. The punches and kicks you use in boxing are very effective at burning calories and building muscle.

Plus, boxing is an enjoyable activity to do, which can make it even more enjoyable. Boxing may be the perfect option if you’re looking for a challenging workout that will also help tone your body.

4. Boxing Can Improve Your Endurance

Boxing has been known for being an effective workout for endurance. It is a full-body workout that uses punching, kicking, and grappling techniques.

These motions are essential for overall fitness because they work all your body’s muscles. Boxing can also help you burn calories and improve your strength and conditioning.

5. Boxing Can Raise Your Mood and Energy Levels

Boxing as an exercise can help to improve your mood and energy levels. When performed regularly, boxing can help to increase strength, endurance, and agility. Additionally, boxing can provide an outlet for stress and tension, improving mental health.

6. Boxing Is Interactive and Fun

Boxing is a great way to increase your heart rate and stay active. It’s also an interactive sport that can keep you entertained while working out. If you’re new to boxing, it’s a great way to learn the basics and build a strong foundation for a healthy workout routine. 

7. Boxing Is Intense and Has Shorter Workout Periods

Boxing is an intense and short workout that can be used to improve cardio fitness, stamina, and strength. The sport is often thought of as a way to build muscles, but it is also a great way to burn calories and improve joint flexibility.

Drawbacks of Boxing as a Workout

1. It’s Often Hard to Find a Boxing Gym

Boxing is often seen as an intense, physical workout that can help tone your body and improve your cardiovascular health. However, finding a boxing gym you can commit to regularly attending can be hard.

This is because boxing is a challenging sport that requires a lot of dedication and discipline. Boxing may be the perfect option if you’re looking for a great way to tone your body and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

2. Boxing May Be Hard on the Body

Boxing is a great way to work out but can also be hard on the body. Boxing can put a lot of strain on joints and muscles, making it difficult to recover from workouts. This means that you may need to take more breaks during your boxing workout than if you were working out with other exercises.

3. There Is a Risk of Getting Hurt

Boxing can be a great workout if done correctly. There is a risk of getting hurt, but it is an effective way to burn calories and tone muscles. Proper boxing form is essential to minimize the risk of injury.

4. It Can Be Expensive to Start Boxing

Many people believe that boxing is a great workout. It can be expensive to start boxing – equipment, sparring partners, and other related costs can add up fast. However, plenty of ways to get started without spending a fortune.

You can purchase used gear or find deals on boxing classes in your area. Another option is to take self-defense classes that teach boxing basics. Finally, you can find experienced boxers to spar with. These people will be able to teach you the ropes and allow you to get a good workout at the same time.

Essential Equipment Needed for Boxing Workout

1. Boxing Gloves

Boxing gloves are cushioned gloves used by boxers during boxing workouts. The gloves’ padding helps soften the punches while also making it much easier to land a punch without hurting yourself. Without gloves, the force of a punch may cause severe damage to your hand while training with a punching bag during a boxing workout. 


2. Hand Wrap

Hand wraps hold all your movable bones and loose joints in place. The hand wrap secures your joints, allowing the shock to be evenly distributed throughout your entire hand.

When you throw a powerful punch, hand wraps help prevent you from spraining your wrists, breaking the little bones in your hand, and tearing the skin on your knuckles.


3. Mouth Guard

Mouth guard protects you from dental injuries. Without one, you can quickly lose a tooth during a boxing workout if your opponent lands a punch on your face. Your teeth can be protected by wearing a mouth guard from unintentional blows from your sparring partner as well as from injuries or being knocked out.


4. Boxing Shoes

Boxing shoes give you a steadier, more accurate stance and better movement while in the ring and during a fight by offering support, grip, and protection. Boxing shoes can prevent twisted ankles, jammed toes, and sweat-slipping, all of which can distract you during a fight or cause you to lose focus during a workout.

5. Punching Bag

A punching bag workout can help improve technique, provide strength training for power, enhance balance and coordination, and even lower stress levels. You improve your boxing technique by striking the heavy bag.

Your arm muscles get toned and built up during a punching bag workout, especially on a heavy bag. This might give the appearance of immediate weight loss on the arms by tightening and firming the frame on which your fat hangs.

5 Ways To Use Boxing As a Workout

1. Punching Bag Workout

A punching bag workout is a great way to get your body moving and improve your cardiovascular fitness. This type of workout is typically done with a punching bag in front of you.

You’ll need to use punches to hit the bag, and you should alternate between standing and sitting punches. This workout can help improve your balance, coordination, and punching power.

What Is a Punching Bag Workout?

A punching bag workout is when you train with a punching bag. This may include punching and kicking the bag. This is one of the great ways to get your body in shape and improve your cardiovascular fitness. 

A punching bag workout can help you achieve a healthy and toned body in a mere 30-minute session every day. There are a lot of punching bags that may help you in different ways. For example, a teardrop punching bag can help you improve your flexibility and hand-eye coordination. 

How to Work Out With a Punching Bag?

It might not seem difficult to deliver a few quick jabs to a punching bag, but if you’ve never worked out with a heavy bag, you’re in for a challenge. The majority of large punching bags weigh 50 to 150 pounds. As a result, whenever you punch the bag, you encounter considerable resistance with your fist, foot, or knee.

You must warm up before using a punching bag by stretching your arms and legs. You’ll need to use punches to hit the bag, and you should alternate between standing and sitting punches.

To properly control your movements while you hit the bag, your entire body must be used, including your shoulders and hips.

How Can a Punching Bag Workout Be Beneficial to You?

A punching bag training session is a very efficient full-body workout since it works all your muscles, including those in your lower body and legs. It also works the muscles in your upper body, including your arms, back, chest, and shoulders. It can also help you improve your hand-eye coordination and body balance.

Additionally, the high-intensity movement and rest balance are the same when working out with a punching bag. This is one of the most efficient techniques to burn fat and lose weight.


2. Shadowboxing

Shadow boxing is where you practice punching and defending against punches without having a partner to spar with. This is a great way to improve your reflexes and learn how to fight effectively on your own.

You can do shadow boxing in the morning before you start your day or at the end of your workout.

What Is Shadow Boxing?

Shadowboxing is a combat sport that involves individuals punching the air as if they were an opponent. It is usually used to prepare the muscles before the person training engages in more intense exercise and is primarily used in boxing. It is like sparring with an imaginary opponent as a form of training.

How to Work Out With Shadowboxing?

Shadow Boxing is done before the actual boxing match. You simply have to imagine an opponent and start throwing punches and kicks. Use your whole body strength to make sure that you have an effective shadow boxing warm-up. It can be done for an intense combat session anywhere, at any time. 

How Is a Shadow Boxing Workout Beneficial to You?

Shadowboxing is a great full-body workout, even though you might think of it more as a warm-up. During these rounds, you exercise your chest, shoulders, arms, and legs. It increases muscle mass and burns calories, making it a fantastic exercise for beginners. You may improve your foot mobility, hand-eye coordination, and technique. 


3. Speed Training

To do this type of workout, you’ll need some boxing gloves and a punching bag set up in front of you. You’ll start by hitting the bag slowly and then gradually increase the speed as you go along.

This type of workout will help improve your reaction time and agility. You could also use other tools like speed bags or double-end bags where the equipment can strike back at you, and you need to dodge them.

What Is Speed Training?

Speed training can be in the form of many exercises. For example, shadow boxing. Punch and kick hard to increase your boxing speed. There is offense and defense in boxing. Speed is a key component of a successful offense since it directly affects the accuracy of a boxer’s punches. If you move quickly, you can land pre-emptive strikes that the defender cannot foresee. 

How to Workout With Speed Training?

Throw punches continuously for 10–20 seconds to mimic the punch-and-stop action of a real fight. After a 10-second break, resume your hard punching.

Depending on your skill and endurance level, you can perform multiple combos or one type of punch at a time. Be careful not to let your hands fall. When working out with the heavy bag, perform at least three sets.

How Is Speed Training Beneficial to You?

A speed workout is a great way to increase your speed and agility. Punches delivered at a faster rate have greater kinetic energy, which increases their capacity to inflict more harm. By concentrating on punching with more speed, you can increase the energy flow between your fist and your opponent’s. 


4. Full Contact Training

If you prefer full-contact training, you could spar with your partners in the gym. This burns a lot of calories while teaching you self-defense for the real world.

Full-contact training helps your body to absorb and deliver harder punches. It develops the endurance needed for a competitive match and is the best practice for offensive and defensive moves.

What Is Full Contact Training?

Full contact training is when you spar with a component. It gives you a real-life experience. Sparring with a partner allows you to learn offensive and defensive moves. While in other punching box training sessions, you only learn how to make moves on the opponent and not how to defend yourself. 

How to Workout for Full Contact Training?

Full contact training involves other individuals that spar with you. This type of training can not be done alone. You will need a good sparring partner who is able to handle the hard punches. You can do this at a gym or even at home. 

How Is Full Contact Training Beneficial to You?

Full-contact training helps your body to absorb and deliver harder punches. It develops the endurance that is needed for a competitive match, and it is the best practice for offensive and defensive moves. Boxers can start examining their emotional reactions to competitive stress in a controlled setting with full contact training.


5: Cardio Endurance Workouts

There are many cardio endurance workouts that can be done to improve one’s overall fitness. Boxing is a great exercise for those looking to add some cardio endurance into their routine. Boxing offers a high-intensity workout with little rest in between rounds, making it a great way to increase one’s overall fitness level. 

What Is a Cardio Endurance Workout?

The ability to perform exercises using your entire body for a long period of time at a moderate to a high level is known as cardiovascular endurance. Your ability to complete daily tasks more easily can be increased by increasing your cardiovascular endurance. 

How to Workout for a Cardio Endurance Workout?

There are a lot of ways you can do cardio endurance workouts. Given that it doesn’t require any specific equipment and can be done anywhere, walking is a wonderful place to start. If walking is not your thing, anything that requires continual movement will do. This includes activities like climbing, dancing, aerobics, swimming, and running. 

How Is a Cardio Endurance Workout Beneficial to You?

A cardio endurance workout helps you with your stamina and strength. Your lungs and heart will be stronger. This will help you gain muscle and bone fitness. Your immune system will be more active, and you will be less likely to get a disease like a normal cold.

This training will also help you make your bones stronger. Additionally, it can lower your risk of developing conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.


Although boxing is a highly effective strength, cardio, and HIIT workout, it should be substituted for a workout by everyone as we took a detailed look at why it might be beneficial to you.

However, there are a few drawbacks too. I hope this article helped you gain a better understanding of how boxing as a workout can be beneficial to you and whether you should do it or not.

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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