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Running shoes or sport shoes with tight grip are considered the best for street fight. Make sure it’s light, comfy and durable. Additionally, shorts are considered more effective in a street fight due to the extra flexibility they give to your legs.

You can easily land some kick on the opponent without tearing apart. Jeans can make you feel a bit restricted. Well, for the upper body, why not show some muscles by going out without any shirt? When it comes to a street fight, your shoes and outfit surely play a pivotal role. 

After surfing the internet, I’ve clearly found that most street fighters wear light running shoes with shorts. Very few fighters preferred jeans, but that also properly managed. Over length jeans can be troublesome in street fights. 

4 Best Shoes To Wear In Street Fight

Here are the best 4 shoes to wear in a street fight; 

1. Ringside Diablo Wrestling Boxing Shoes 

Ringside Diablo Wrestling Boxing Shoes 

The Diablo Boxing shoe is an all-round shoe with black synthetic material. The super comfortable stuff makes it more attractive. You can get the Ringside Diablo Wrestling Boxing Shoes from Amazon.

Pros Cons
It has a very lightweight.  A bit expensive. 
Increase the flexibility of your movement. 
Good overall support to your weight.
Latest design with utmost comfort. 


2. Adidas Wrestling Shoes 

Adidas Wrestling Shoes have good grip

Adidas is known for making some of the finest shoes in the world, and these wrestling shoes have all the traits needed for a street fight. You can get the Adidas Wrestling Shoes from Amazon.

Pros  Cons 
Super comfort as it has minimal weight The design is bit faulty for a street fight as it is lace-up.
Comes with a very reasonable price
Perfect for street fight or boxing
The fabric type is 100% synthetic and has a rubber sole



3. Timberland Shoes 

Timberland Shoes provide heavy damage if it lands on the opponent

Timberland shoes have great grip, is waterproof and built like a tank. This is great for street fight because they can last long and can do heavy damage if your kick lands on the opponent. You can get the Timberland shoes from Amazon.


Pros  Cons 
There’s no shoe better when it comes to durability and stability Very expensive 
The shoes are 90% waterproof so you don’t have to worry about water going into them while you fight in rain. 

4. Vans Sk8

Vans shoes have rubber sole with good grip. This is great for fighting.


Pros  Cons 
They have the finest grip A bit expensive 
Exclusive design 
Super comfortable 

Vans have a rubber sole due to which they have the perfect grip for you in a street fight. Moreover, these shoes are meant to last much longer and you can buy Vans Sk8 from Amazon too. 

What Should You Wear to a Street Fight?

Wear shorts and comfortable clothing when fighting

For street fights, always wear tight and lightweight shoes that fit perfectly on your feet. Wearing small or oversized shoes is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make. Plus, you should wear shorts that are a bit comfortable, as you want to stretch your legs properly. Stretching your legs isn’t easy when you are wearing a jeans.

If you are wearing jeans, make sure they are not extra tight, as you won’t be able to use your kicks properly. When it comes to your upper body, you can choose to wear nothing and flex your muscles if you want or you can wear T-shirt which is either a bit oversized.

Don’t wear shirts that may stick to your body, and make you sweat a lot. These are some of the finest options you have if you are going for a street fight. 

Also Read: Sparring To Improve In Street Fight: Is It Realistic Enough?

What Are the Most Effective Strikes in a Street Fight?

One of the most effective strikes in a street fight are straight punches and hooks to the temple or jaw Other than this, a power slap is also effective.

If you are palm striking, make sure you hit the bottom of your palm right on the face of your opponent and that is the part which can make a major difference. 

Once you’ve hit, you should be fast enough to come back and use your elbow to strike. Elbow strikes are also very painful if hit with the right pace and power. Don’t waste your time and energy throwing light shots at your opponent.

The longer you let the fight go on, more chances you have of losing it. Always start hitting with your full power and accuracy. 

What Is the Fastest Way to End a Street Fight?

Aim for the weak points like face, throat or solar plexus while in street fights.

If you are planning to end a street fight the fastest way, you need to aim for the pressure points. Rather than throwing random wild punches, strike the weak points of the opponent such as the face, throat or solar plexus.

If you are getting attacked, and want to save your life, target the throat or face as soon as possible. Make sure you hit a powerful punch or elbow. However, only use this strike if your life is in danger, as this strike can be lethal. 

You can use hammer fist strike, straight punch or even Karate chop to end a street fight quickly. If you are still unable to finish the fight, aim for the chin. Try punching the chin of the opponent.

Well, if both of these tactics don’t work, you might need to try choking your opponent, as it is one of the most effective ways to end a street fight quickly.

Also Read: Sparring To Improve In Street Fight: Is It Realistic Enough? 


Q: Are Vans Good for Fighting?

Vans are great choice for fighting / street fight. The rubber sole of vans have the perfect grip and it can be extremely beneficial to choose vans during a rainy fight. Avoid choosing slippery shoes to go for a fight. Choose the shoes that have more grip and cushion for your feet. 

Q: Is It Possible to Fight in a Dress?

It is hard to fight in a dress because it’s tight and can be uncomfortable for wide movements. Dresses are tailored to keep your body postured perfectly with your arms down. You won’t be able to use your arms or legs properly in a street fight. Your range of motion will be extremely limited and you will become vulnerable to the other fighter. 

Q: Can You Fight in Skirts?

You can only fight in skirts if they don’t restrict your movement. Some skirts are tailored tight and it’s very hard to move your legs. Miniskirts, leather skirts, or even jeans skirts make you weak in a fight. It is possible to fight in a skirt, but it won’t be the best option to do so.

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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