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The age limit to become a pro in boxing and Muay Thai is 40. But you can keep training until about 70- where it may get too risky. Many people are confused about the age limit of these sports. There are also many myths circulating around so I am here to clear all your doubts regarding this topic. The majority of people say that you can’t have boxing training after a certain age. Is this true? Well!

It depends on your physical and medical condition. I have seen many people doing light training in boxing even at the age of 65. But can you go pro? What is the certain age where you can’t go pro? Are the age limit for Muay Thai and boxing the same? We will be answering all these questions in the article.

I have surfed the internet for hours regarding this topic as there were many sources but I chose the recognized one that can properly guide you. Before I researched this topic I didn’t even know the differences between Muay Thai and boxing. Many people don’t know it.

Let me tell you. The main difference between Muay Thai and boxing is that in boxing fists(arms) are used to attack and defend but in Muay Thai kicks can also be used.

Does Boxing & Muay Thai Have an Age Limit?

Recreational boxing has no age limits

You can compete in the boxing ring until the age of 40. On the other hand, Muay Thai has no age limit but it is such a physically draining exercise that it is hard to compete in it after 40. 

The prime time for Muay Thai is when your age is between 20 to 30 years old. At this time you are at the peak of your physique. Recreational boxing has no age limits. Recreational boxing is the boxing that you are doing as a hobby. You can do it as long as your body gives you permission.

What Age Should You Stop Boxing?

Well if you talk about recreational boxing, you can do it until you are 77 but for boxing professionally the age limit is defined as 40. After 40 your body takes immense time to recover from injuries as the healing process slows down.

A boxer should train himself until his body is in good condition. If he feels discomfort he should quit it. This is due to the fact that these discomforts can lead to long-term injuries. There are many boxers who have competed even after 40 but according to many scientific reasons, it becomes very risky to compete in the boxing ring after a certain age.

After 40, you are also not agile enough to compete in the ring. So, the international boxing association has a defined age limit of 40 for boxers.

Also Read: How Long & How Often Should You Spar? Boxing, MMA & Muay Thai 

What Age Is Too Late For Boxing & Muay Thai?

It’s never too late to start training

One of the most popular old-school lines says that It’s never too late to start training but realistically speaking if you are 65 and trying to pursue a career in it so I am afraid to tell you that it’s impossible. In my opinion, even 50+ is too much but let’s make 65 a benchmark.

Yes! There can be an upper bound of 5 years but if you are 65 and looking to start training I will better suggest you leave this ambition. 

On the other hand, If you start training at an older age there are many health-related issues and complications. I still think that people who are between the age of 30-45 can do training but it will be very hard for them to make it to the professional stage. So the bottom line is that you can train until your health gives you the leverage to do it. But for going pro you have to start as early as possible.

For each age range, explain if they can still become boxers. Explain for training and going pro. 

Age Range Is It Too Old To Become A Boxer?
30-40 can train but slight chances to go pro
40-50 can train but rare chances to go pro
50-60 can train but no chances to go pro
60+ can’t train and can’t go pro

Who Is The Oldest Boxer Turned Pro?

Stephen ward is the oldest boxer to turn professional. He fought his last fight when he was 59 years old. His last fight was in January 2021 against jimmy Lloyd. Stephen ward’s name is in the Guinness book of world records. At one time he was not the oldest boxer but in 2021 after fighting at 59 he has become the oldest boxer to turn pro.

At What Age Do Boxers Retire? 

Boxing is an extremely physical sport

On average, the majority of the boxers retire between the age of 35 to 40; more specifically 37. Most boxers have a career of almost 16 years. They start fighting at the age of 21-22 and continue it till 36-40.

Boxing is an extremely physical sport so it requires immense training to be in a good shape to compete in the professional ring.

Also Read: A Boxer’s Prime Age! Does Age Really Matter In A Fight?

At What Age Do Fighters Peak?

The fighter is at their peak from the age of 22 years to 27 years. This is the time when their game is most skillful, they have the largest capacity of strength, stamina, toughness, and agility. There are some exceptions but the majority have the peak time at this age. Some boxers also find their go in the early 30s of their life.

Despite the fact that both boxing and Muay Thai are different from each other, the age limit for both of them is relatively the same and it depends upon several health circumstances. So, Ideally, we can never say it’s too late but in reality, there is a certain age when it is too late to start training for becoming a pro either in boxing or Muay Thai.

My suggestion to all those looking to pursue a career in these sports is that start as early as possible ideally start training when you are a teenager. But those who are in their early 30s you may give it a try but if you are 65 it’s not your cup of tea.

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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