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Boxing gloves can be used as mitts and pads. Mitts and pads have their specific work but if a boxer tries to use boxing gloves instead, it will still work for him.

That said, boxers need to be careful while using boxing gloves as mitts and pads. Boxing gloves are heavier hence they can injure the trainer. Mitt is a padded target that is attached to a glove. It is lighter in weight than boxing gloves and it has fairly larger padding than boxing gloves. Mitts and pads are good at absorbing the punches; Hence the trainer remains safe. Mitts and pads also enhance the ability of the boxer.

It helps them improve their timing, strategy, position, and moves. When I was researching for this article I found many myths regarding the usage of boxing gloves as mitts and pads. In this article, I have clarified all of those concerns. I have also mentioned how you can train using mitts and pads and their alternatives.

What Are Boxing Mitts Used For?

Boxing Mitts

Boxing mitts are frequently used to supplement sparring, with a greater emphasis on the puncher, particularly to develop good punch combinations and defensive maneuvers such as “slipping,” “bobbing,” and “weaving.” 

Mitts are made for precision. Mitts can help you develop proper body mechanics, responses, and conditional responses to strikes. Boxers attempt to hit mitts as hard and as quickly as possible. Mitts help the boxer’s timing, accuracy, and strategy. They are lightweight and ideal for training.

Can I Use Boxing Gloves as Mitts (Pads)?

You can use boxing gloves as alternative of Mitts

Although not recommended, you can use boxing gloves as alternative mitts and pads but you need to make sure that the boxing gloves are padded enough to absorb the shocks and protect the trainer.

You also need to make sure that the boxing gloves used as mitts have good wrist support and are tight. Regular mitts are built with maximum wrist support because most boxers punch with more force during training (where the target is static and doesn’t move).  

Also Read: Cheap Vs Expensive Boxing Gloves: 9 Differences Worth

What Oz Boxing Gloves Are Good As Mitts?

Don’t use boxing gloves that are too light

10 oz. to 12 oz. boxing gloves can be used as mitts. It needs to be thick and heavy enough to receive punches.

Using boxing gloves that are too light can cause injuries to the trainer (punch recipient). This is because light boxing gloves don’t absorb punches as well and often don’t have strong enough wrist support.

Difference Between Boxing Gloves and Mitts:-

Boxing gloves can be used as mitts and pads but there are several problems associated with them. Using boxing gloves can damage the trainer as the gloves are heavy in weight.

Boxing Gloves

  • Padding to protect knuckles
  • Velcro or lace for wrist support 
  • Weight and size varies


  • Solely designed to receive punches
  • Protect wrists extremely well
  • Heavily padded to absorb shocks
  • Snug fit 

Also Read: How Tight Should Boxing Gloves Fit? Sizing ; Break-In Guide

What Can I Use Instead of Boxing Pads?

There are several options other than boxing mitts (pads)

You can use kick pads, boxing sticks, and boxing paddles instead of boxing mitts (pads).

Kick pads are highly protective and supportive of the trainer. They are lightweight and they are best when it comes to injury prevention. Boxing sticks can absorb an immense amount of shock and this attribute makes them highly safe. Boxing sticks help the boxer in his defensive strengths. Boxing paddles are also extremely good at shock absorption.

How Do You Catch a Punch With Mitts?

    1. Mirror your boxer’s stance
    2. Create realistic target
    3. Good resistance and timing
    4. Position the Mitts Properly
    5. Push Back Against the Punch

The first thing you should think about when you begin holding mitts and catching punches for the first time is your stance. If you are working with an orthodox boxer you should be standing in an orthodox stance.  It allows your boxer to fully extend the points and gives him the perfect range. The second thing is the position of the mitts, where should the mitts be?

We see so many trainers going like this and catching punches really low and too high. You have to think in your head about what’s a realistic target for your boxer. You want to make them look good, right? So if you can think about a round head or a bull as the target, that’s where your mitts have to be for the most part. 

So always think of the position of your mitts. Keep it realistic, keep it narrow. The third thing is RESISTANCE and TIMING. Now, this is something that is difficult in the beginning and it takes a lot of practice and time and chemistry with the people you’re working with to build up that resistance and timing. How should the resistance feel for your boxer? It is to be nice and solid, can’t be loose, right? 

So you are always making sure when that punch lands we meet in it and we bounce the mitt off the glove. At the same time, we don’t want to jam it And come in too much and smoother the punch and put too much pressure on the wrist. So don’t try to create a brick wall for them, make sure it can make it bounce the punch off it.

Lastly, In my opinion, we can use boxing gloves as mitts and pads but it would be rather better if we use mitts and pads themselves. This is due to the fact that mitts and pads will have the dense covering and padding that boxing gloves do not have in many cases. Hence if you are aspiring to box you can alternatively use boxing gloves in place of mitts and pads but you should buy them in the future to have perfection. Using boxing gloves as mitts also involves the risk of injuring the trainer if the gloves are heavy.

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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