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You can learn the basics of Jeet Kune Do alone yourself but it is quite difficult to master it yourself. You can learn Jeet Kune Do online. It is easier to learn Jeet Kune Do online rather than by yourself.

The basics of Jeet Kune Do can be learned easily but when you will progress further, you will need a partner and a mentor to guide you through all moves. Hence, Learn Jeet Kune Do basics by yourself and then switch to any online platform where Jeet Kune Do for more advanced stages.

In this article, I will be clearing all your concepts about Jeet Kune Do. We will be talking about learning Jeet Kune Do and how long it takes to learn it. We will be giving you tips and a training plan regarding Jeet Kune Do and answering your frequently asked questions as well.

Can You Learn Jeet Kune Do by Yourself?

You can learn the basics of Jeet Kune Do by yourself. There are numerous courses available. But, mastering the art of Jeet Kune Do yourself is nearly impossible because some moves need to be practiced that require a partner.

You can learn the basics by yourself by attending courses on the internet and watching videos on YouTube like below:

Is Jeet Kune Do Difficult to Learn?

JKD basics is easy to learn alone. But mastering it is difficult.

The basics of Jeet Kune Do are easy to learn. But mastering the art of Jeet Kune Do is very difficult because it involves in lots of moves like punching, kicking, parrying and footwork. Additionally, to master JKD, you will need a sparring partner to test out your moves and get used to them.

Jeet Kune Do focuses on delivering moves while saving as much energy as possible – is less about aggression and more about efficiency.

How Can I Practice Jeet Kune Do Alone?

These are the several ways how to practice Jeet Kune Do alone:
1. Find online resources to learn JKD alone for example Udemy( Udemy )
2. Setup an empty space at home to practice
3. Make sure you have a mirror to watch your form
4. Learn the basics like punching, kicking, etc.
5. Learn advanced techniques like parring
6. Practice at least 3 times a week and 1 hour each

Also Read: How To Learn Boxing At Home Alone In Just 30 Minutes A Day

Can I Learn JKD Online?

Yes, You can learn Jeet Kune Do online. There are many online courses available. There are numerous paid and free courses and YouTube channels which you can learn Jeet Kune Do online.

Below are links to online Jeet Kune Do courses that you can learn from home:

  1. Udemy
  2. YouTube
  3. EvolutionJKD

How Much Time Does Jeet Kune Do Training Take?

JKD takes some time to learn and master. Commonly 5-6 years

Beginners will need almost 5–6 years to develop their Jeet Kune Do skills to the level of a white belt. To reach the Jeet Kune Do level where you can defend yourself, it will take at least two years.

The amount of time required to learn Jeet Kune Do will depend on a number of factors. The age at which you are beginning is one of the factors. It might go faster if you get going right away or if you start when your physical stamina is at its highest.

Your level of commitment, tenacity, and motivation to learn Jeet Kune Do is another consideration. If you are consistent, then your journey of training will be relatively easy. Summing up, In my opinion, you can learn Jeet Kune Do by yourself but you will be restricted to the basics because advanced training needs a partner to practice.

Secondly, It is easy to learn Jeet Kune Do at a basic level but as you progress it becomes harder. You can practice Jeet Kune Do alone by using the tips that are given above. You can follow the training plan for consistency. You can also learn Jeet Kune Do online but in my opinion, you should learn it in physical classes.

Talking about how long it will take to learn Jeet Kune Do, If you are sincere and dedicated it will take two years approximately to learn the defensive strategies of it. It will take over a decade to become professional in it. Now, I am fully motivated to start the Jeet Kune Do training. Let’s see how far I can go in learning this art!

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Q: Is Jeet Kune Do Effective for Self-Defense?

Jeet Kune Do is highly effective for Self Defense because the moves involved in it are efficient and require less energy. Jeet Kune Do focuses on moves involved in street fights, not competitive fights. And Self-defense is an important part of street fights hence Jeet Kune Do is effective. 

Q: Is Jeet Kune Do Effective in MMA?

Jeet Kune Do is not very effective in MMA. Many moves of Jeet Kune Do are not allowed in MMA. But Jeet Kune Do can be seen as a complementary skill in MMA. All the attacks in Jeet Kune Do that involve the use of weapons are banned in MMA. Some moves are banned as they can do immense damage to the opponent.

Q:  What is the difference between Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do?

The difference between Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do is that in Jeet Kyun Do more kicks are used in comparison to Wing Chun. Jeet Kune Do is based on Wing Chun, but it only includes the techniques from the style of Bruce Lee. 

Ifandi S.

Ifandi started to answer all the questions of martial artist (regardless of the level). As an avid martial arts lover and curious person, he remembers how many unanswered questions he had when he started. With, that's no longer the case.

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